Monday, 16 May 2011

7 Day Update

8th-16th May 2011:

Total P&L +£6.35


  1. Opps, I've included my personalised incredimail Elvis notifier in error! lol! never saw that!

  2. Must of just ran on as I was taking the screen....

  3. £6 for a weeks work, you'd be better off at McDonalds and you'd get free lunch too :)

  4. I thought it was a lot worse tbh!

  5. no offence john but you need to stop feeling sorry for yourself.
    you are putting too much pressure on yourself. why not get a part time job until things pick up and use half the wage to trade?

    to be successful you have to get out of this mindset of looking back.

    good luck john
    u did it before u can do it again.

  6. Thanks. Good advice, but all I need is to get to 1k bank size and it will kick on from there. It's getting there that's the problem.

  7. But you had that £1K a few months or so back and it didn't kick on, why's this time going to be any different. I admire your optimism but if you'd have got a pt job after that was blown you almost certainly would have been able to have saved the £1k bank you need by now.

    If you need a £1k bank stop betting til you get it, you aren't going to suddenly have some lucky bet, surely the last 6 months has confirmed that. You need a lot of self belief to suceed on betfair but also need a lot of commsense too. Do yourself a favour and get a job to build up the bank then come back when all the foundations are in place to give it a proper shot.

  8. getting ther is not a problem you lazy cunt

  9. Take a loan if your that confident

  10. Gotta at least give you credit for posting up all comments good and bad

  11. Hi John,

    Would you be happy to exchange links?

    Good luck with the recovery, I hope you make it.

  12. Yeah, no problem. Added. Cheers...
